Friday, February 09, 2007

Spring? ...LOL...It's -25°C in Madison!!!

It ain't over until it's over! :)
I was granted a new life experience ... -25°C !!!
Leslie, Jerome and I went for a walk on the frozen lake - Mendota.
After no longer than 15 minutes of bravery I ran to the car, because as one learn quickly...
stretchy jeans don't really keep you warm, and one is about to get frost bite!
Good bye my dream of going to the South Pole...
Good bye my dream of dancing with the Penguins...
Good bye my dream of being at the bottom of the world...
LOL... :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Spring is in the air

I love all seasons. For different reasons. I love spring for the hope it brings. The hope that we will wake up one more time for life. The hope that beauty will return. The hope that colors will prevail. This spring's color is purple. Like the crocuses that poke through the snow, like the candle holder a dear friend gifted me, like the lavender smell that reminds me of the comfort of my parent's home ... I wish web-pages were able to carry scents as well...
Spring is in the air... I spring for all I hope for!